ASIS International has awarding its 2019 Security Industry Book of the Year Award to the second edition of Soft Target Hardening: Protecting People from Attack by Jennifer Hesterman, PhD. The book was reviewed on behalf of ASIS by Mannes & Associates founder, A. Benjamin Mannes, MA, CPP, who wrote:
“Instances of active shooter assaults underline a universal truth in security: it is easier to commit crime or terrorism when a facility has minimal security. Security professionals call these low-security locations soft targets. The second edition of Soft Target Hardening offers a comprehensive approach to increasing organizational security to address increasing criminal, terrorist, and mass-casualty threats and vulnerabilities. Author Jennifer Hesterman, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, draws upon her experience securing military assets overseas and applies it to protecting soft targets in the domestic and civilian space.
The book makes a comprehensive case for the need to take responsibility for security in soft targets. It breaks down the current terror threats posed by ISIS and al Qaeda, as well as the threat of lone wolf attackers, militia groups, sovereign citizens, anarchists, and drug trafficking organizations.
In addition to describing the likely assailants, Hesterman provides an in-depth exposé of the vulnerabilities unique to the various types of soft targets: schools, hospitals, workplaces, sports or entertainment venues, and shopping centers, for instance. What makes this book a great read, especially for college-level security management courses, is that it offers solutions to address the vulnerabilities.
Facts and statistics will equip the reader to become an effective corporate security evangelist. Furthermore, the book provides useful templates for threat assessment and planning purposes. For this feature alone, the current edition is an invaluable resource for security executives, threat assessors, and security management scholars.
The increasing tempo and diversity of attacks make it simply unrealistic to assume the public sector will provide a comprehensive solution to every organization. By adopting the principles in this book, readers can take an important first step to recognizing and mitigating threats to their organizations.”
Click here to see the review and purchase a copy of the book from the ASIS Online Bookstore.